Monday, 10 November 2014
The 15 most irritating people you meet while travelling
You've heard of the book "The Five People You Meet in Heaven?" Well, what about "The Most 15 Irritating People You Meet While Travelling?" It could be your seatmate on the airplane. It could be the obnoxious local you have the misfortune of running into at the hotel bar. It could even be your travel partner.
Either way, these offenders can make your vacation long and miserable. Sure, enduring a trip with them could end up giving you a great post-vacation story you can share with your friends — or an intriguing real-time horror story you live-tweet with your followers. But at the end of the day, these people are vacation ruiners that, along with Montezuma's Revenge, you should avoid during your trip.
10 порад для збагачення словникового запасу англійської мови
Насамперед, зрозумійте: запам'ятати всі слова неможливо! Це не пов'язано з вашою лінню і прокрастинацією, це суто фізіологічні особливості устрою нашої головного мозку. Не нарікайте на себе за те, що ви щось знали, чули, але забули. Просто підберіть найефективніший особисто для вас спосіб запам'ятовування нових слів. Ну що ж, давайте обговоримо.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Speculation and excavation
Stonehenge has long been the subject of historical speculation, and ideas about the meaning and significance of the structure continued to develop in the 21st century. English antiquarian John Aubrey in the 17th century and his compatriot archaeologist William Stukeley in the 18th century both believed the structure to be a Druid temple. This idea has been rejected by more-recent scholars, however, as Stonehenge is now understood to have predated by some 2,000 years the Druids recorded by Julius Caesar.
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